Навреме си съм? (Не Чак толкова) тайната рецепта за живото-застрахователните решения

Навреме си съм? (Не Чак толкова) тайната рецепта за живото-застрахователните решения

Автор: Мира Кръстева


Навреме ли съм: (не толкова) тайната рецепта за вземане на решения за застраховка живот
Здравей, спътнико! Готов ли си за разговор за животозастраховането? Да, звучи толкова вълнуващо, колкото да наблюдавате как съхне боя, но изтърпете ме. Това е по-важно (и по-малко досадно), отколкото си мислите.

Защо точно моментът е… важен?

  • Незабравимите моменти в живота: Попаднахте на първата си работа, която не пита: “Искате ли пържени картофи за гарнитура?” Купихте къща, която не е абсолютна бездна за пари? Или може би сте посрещнали малко живо същество (или космато бебе) в живота си? Това не са просто мигове, достойни за Instagram; те са повод да се замислите за предпазната мрежа, както когато ходите по въже.
  • Обичайни етапи: дипломиране, брак, може би едно или две деца. Предвидими ли са? Може би. Индикатори ли са за замисляне за застраховка “Живот”? Абсолютно.
  • Късни нощни размисли: Ако се събуждате в 2 ч. през нощта, размишлявайки върху екзистенциални житейски въпроси или, нека бъдем честни, просто поставяте под въпрос съмнителните си житейски избори – може би е време да поговорим за застраховка Живот. Или може би просто по-малко кофеин.

Добре, а какво ще последва?

  1. Образовайте се: Разберете какво е животозастраховането без сложни термини. Това е като да научите рецепта – но не така вкусна.
  2. Поговорете с някой, който разбира: Намерете експерт, за предпочитане такъв, който не използва понятието “синергия” без ирония.
  3. Преценете какво притежавате: От впечатляващата ви колекция гумени патета до, знаете, реални активи.

Какво ще кажете за кратък списък със задачи, защото кой не обича такива?

  1. Вземете си напитка: Кафе, чай или нещо по-силно (няма да съдя).
  2. Помислете за обратите в живота: От забавните до тези, при които лицето се присвива.
  3. Запишете се за консултация: Защото да си възрастен е незаобиколима обективност и е крайно време и двамата да станем по-добри в това.

И така, нека заедно се справим с това животозастрахователно чудовище. С леко намигване, лека смиреност и много откровеност. Готови ли сте да се хвърлите?




Запазете час за безплатна поверителна консултация тук.

Timing is Everything: The (Not-So) Secret Recipe for Life Insurance Decisions

Timing is Everything: The (Not-So) Secret Recipe for Life Insurance Decisions

Author: Mira Кrustеff

Hey there, fellow life traveler! Ready for a chat about life insurance? Yes, it sounds as thrilling as watching paint dry, but bear with me. It’s more important (and less tedious) than you might think.

Why Exactly is Timing… Uh, Important?

  • Life’s Unmissable Moments: Scored your first job that doesn’t involve asking, “Would you like fries with that?” Bought a house that isn’t a complete money pit? Or perhaps you welcomed a tiny human (or fur baby) into your life? These aren’t just Instagram-worthy moments; they’re signals to think about the safety net beneath your tightrope.

  • Standard Milestones: Graduations, marriages, perhaps a kiddo or two. Predictable? Maybe. Essential markers for considering life insurance? Absolutely.

  • Late Night Wonderings: If you’re awake at 2 am pondering existential life questions or, let’s be honest, just questioning your questionable life choices – it might be time for a chat about life insurance. Or perhaps just less caffeine.

Alright, So What’s Next?

  1. Educate Yourself: Understand life insurance without the jargon. It’s like learning a recipe – but less delicious.
  2. Talk to Someone Who Knows Stuff: Find an expert, preferably one who doesn’t use the term “synergy” unironically.
  3. Evaluate What You’ve Got: From your impressive rubber duck collection to, you know, actual assets.

A Brief To-Do List, Because Who Doesn’t Love Those?

  1. Grab a Beverage: Coffee, tea, or something stronger (I won’t judge).
  2. Reflect on Life’s Twists and Turns: From the hilarious to the face-palm moments.
  3. Schedule That Consultation: Because adulting is a thing, and it’s about time we both got better at it.

So, let’s tackle this life insurance beast together. With a touch of wit, a sprinkle of humility, and a whole lot of straight talk. Ready to dive in?

 Book an free confidential consultation with me here.




Защо да направим консултация относно корпоративната застраховка “Живот”

Защо да направим консултация относно корпоративната застраховка “Живот”

Автор: Мира Кръстева

Здравната застраховка и застраховката “Живот” са два важни вида застраховки, които хората често обмислят да закупят, за да защитят себе си и своите семейства. Въпреки че и двата вида застраховки осигуряват финансова защита, между тях има някои основни разлики. В тази статия ще разгледаме разликите между здравните застраховки и застраховките Живот, в това число и застраховките за трайна нетрудноспособност и тежки заболявания. Ще засегнем и въпроса кои от тези видове застраховки са подходящи за семейства, в които, нампример, единият родител издържа семейството, родителят отглежда сам детето си или за семейства с по-малки деца.

Key Benefits of Corporate Life Insurance for Employees and Businesses

Key Benefits of Corporate Life Insurance for Employees and Businesses

Author: Mira Кrustеff 

As a consultant specializing in employee benefits, I often come across clients looking to enhance their employees’ well-being while improving their company’s overall performance. One essential benefit that is increasingly gaining traction is corporate life insurance. This article aims to highlight the numerous advantages of offering corporate life insurance, both for the employees and the companies that provide these benefits. 

Employee Satisfaction and Security

Providing corporate life insurance to employees demonstrates that a company cares about their well-being and their families future. In the event of an untimely death, long-term disability or critical illness, the financial security provided by life insurance can help alleviate the burden on the employee’s family, ensuring they are taken care of in a difficult time. This added security and peace of mind can lead to increased employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Attracting and Retaining Talent

In a competitive job market, having a comprehensive benefits package, including corporate life insurance, can set a company apart and attract top talent. Prospective employees often consider the entire compensation package, including benefits, when evaluating job offers. Offering life insurance can help secure high-quality candidates and increase employee retention, as it demonstrates the company’s commitment to their employees’ well-being.

Cost Control and Better Rates

Corporate life insurance policies often come with more favorable rates than individual policies, as they benefit from group discounts and simplified underwriting processes. This cost-saving aspect is beneficial for both the employees and the company. For employees, having access to life insurance coverage at a more affordable rate can be a significant advantage, while companies can manage their expenses more effectively.

Tax Benefits and Incentives

In Bulgaria, the premiums paid by companies for corporate life insurance policies can be tax-deductible as a business expense. This incentivises companies to consider offering life insurance as part of their employee benefits package. However, it is essential to consult with a tax professional to understand the specific tax implications.

Enhancing Company Reputation

Offering corporate life insurance as part of the employee benefits package can contribute to a company’s reputation as a responsible and caring employer. This positive image can lead to an improved brand perception, which can result in increased business opportunities and potential partnerships.


Corporate Life Insurance Decision-Making Process 

1. Evaluation of Needs:

The first step in implementing corporate life insurance is to evaluate the company’s specific needs and requirements. This involves assessing the workforce’s demographics, risk factors, and financial considerations to determine the appropriate coverage levels and policy types.

2. Preparation of Offer:

Once the company’s needs have been evaluated, an insurance consultant prepares a customized offer that addresses the organization’s unique requirements. The offer will detail the coverage options, premium costs, and any additional benefits or riders available. 

3. Presentation and Q&A:

The insurance consultant presents the prepared offer to the company’s decision-makers, thoroughly explaining the proposed coverage, costs, and advantages. During this stage, decision-makers can ask questions and seek clarification on any aspect of the proposal, ensuring they fully understand the potential impact on the company and its employees. Different scenarios are presented to make sure there is a good fit between needs and budget allocation. 

4. Decision Time for Informed Decision:

With a comprehensive understanding of the offer, the company’s decision-makers can decide whether to proceed with the proposed corporate life insurance plan. They may choose to accept the offer, negotiate for modifications, or explore alternative options.

In conclusion, corporate life insurance is a valuable addition to an employee benefits package. It provides financial security and peace of mind for employees and their families and offers numerous advantages for the company, such as attracting and retaining top talent, cost control, and enhancing the company’s reputation. By following a thorough decision-making process, companies can make informed choices that best suit their organization’s needs and ultimately support their workforce and achieve long-term success.

To understand your individual life insurance protection needs, book an appointment for a confidential consultation here.